1 block skyblock server ip
1 block skyblock server ip

1 block skyblock server ip

For servers however, there wasn't a focus on rendering much for this update making 1.15 the bigger obstacle. PROBLEMS & POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS: This update may be quite a hunk for some pre-gen hardware, but at this point if a P.C can't handle minecraft anymore client side, it's time for an upgrade. All of the new mobs and additions could make the nether area a lot more exciting and since some of them are quite versatile, prove a lot of usefulness all around. The reigning popular addition of this update would be netherite, and seeing as it's a new item with a new texture, there could be promise for a new custom armor set as well as a new collection that could have a big impact. Possibly the most rich update Minecraft has ever received. USEFUL NEW ADDITIONS: Way too many to list, so many new blocks items decorations utilities and usable entities that could improve gameplay. NEW MOBS: Piglins, Hoglins, Striders, Zoglins, Piglin brute. PROBLEMS & POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS: The new rendering engine might be tough for servers to handle but as long as there aren't 100 people in a single lobby spaced far apart, it shouldn't be too problematic. USEFUL NEW ADDITIONS: Better rendering, honey blocks and new items related to honey usable for new collections and recipes etc. PRO: You only need to render the world 1 less time!!! (would be good to reduce server lag)

1 block skyblock server ip

| Foxes holding items- Always have it holding something but make the thing it's holding not drop (unless it could be a preview to what the fox may drop) | Crafting blocks causing confusion- We already have custom crafting so just make em uncraftable or make them obtainable but disable them. PROBLEMS & POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS: Villager professions- Edit the entity data of the villager to be a plains villager with no job. USEFUL NEW ADDITIONS: Crossbow (entirely new weapon to play around with!) So many new decorative blocks and block variations! Some new interactive blocks that could prove to be useful. PRO'S: You'd need to render the world 1 less time! PROBLEMS: New swimming mechanics make you 1 block tall (however if all people are 1.13+ this wouldn't be a problem in the first place) However the main ones: The trident- (maybe fix it up a bit so it wont break the game),Turtle helmet (it has a good special texture), Slow falling potion, Heart of the sea & nautilus shell (Could be used in custom crafting recipes) USEFUL NEW ADDITIONS: Practically so many I can't list them all. NEW MOBS: Cod, Salmon, Puffer-fish, Phantom, Dolphin, Turtle, Drowned zombies. USEFUL NEW ADDITIONS: Good looking new blocks and coloured beds. | Observers- make it uncraftable since hypixel skyblock has custom crafting. PROBLEMS & POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS: Entity cramming- turn it false xd | Totem of undying- Hypixel can edit mob drops | Shulker boxes- if we ever do update shulkers wouldn't drop shulker shells anyways. Iron nuggets (new texture), Totem particles (they look good) USEFUL NEW ADDITIONS: Evoker's spikes could be a good for custom attacks. NEW MOBS: Evoker, Vindicator, Vex, Llama. PROBLEMS & POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS: Nothing much | Shields- Hypixel Skyblock already has custom crafting, just make the shield uncraftable! | Dual-wielding- Hypixel already prevents 1.9+ players from dual wielding, why wouldn't they able to the same then? | Small rabbits- who really cares about the size of rabbits. Really this shouldn't be the most concerning thing. Add 1024 attack speed to a weapon-FIXED Get a 1.8 pvp plugin-FIXED. PROBLEMS & POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS: Attack cool-down- there are so many ways around this that it really isn't a problem. Purpur blocks and endstone bricks might be nice for a new sub-area in the end. Beetroot (and beetroot seeds) as a new collection. Shulker bullet (Might be useful in a custom attack). USEFUL NEW ADDITIONS: Dragon's breath (It's texture may have some use), Spectral arrows have a unique texture and can be used for a future addition. NEW MOBS: Shulker, Zombie villager revamp. Replies to this thread need to be feedback or something helpful or addressing a certain issue a version update may cause. The following in this thread addresses what new features dev's could use in the future updates and the problems they could cause with a possible solution. But even if they dont update it to 1.14.4 even just 1.9-1.11 has a quite a bit to offer. And yes, this is a possible thing, they can make it so only Skyblock is a 1.14.4 thing.

1 block skyblock server ip

If they did decide to update more specifically Skyblock to 1.14.4, they would have so many new features to play around with for future Skyblock updates. As we know Skyblock is a game that is addicting many players and the dev's are adding more content as fast as they are able to bring it to us. However there are ways around these problems. "Oh noooo i won't be able to block my sword" Alright I know most people's first problems with this happening:

1 block skyblock server ip